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33 Funny Animal Pictures That Show Mother Nature’s Humor

33 Funny Animal Pictures That Show Mother Nature's Humor

Need a good laugh? Check out the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. Although the internet is full of funny animal photos, these finalists from the 2018 competition are some of the best examples of Mother Nature’s humor caught on camera.

Finding Humor in Difficult Times

In a year filled with troubling news, from wildfires to mass shootings and refugee crises, Mother Nature has given us a surprising source of joy. These funny animal pictures remind us that even during tough times, there’s always something to laugh about.

Announcing This Year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Contest Winners

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, an annual contest celebrating the humorous side of wildlife, sifted through thousands of entries to present the funniest animal photos of the year. These finalists not only show the majesty and ferocity of wild animals but also their perfect comedic timing.

Picture a squirrel doing the splits, a penguin giving directions, an owl staring into a camera lens like it’s auditioning for The Office, or two lizards sharing a tight hug. These are just a few of the delightful and diverse entries that made it to this year’s finals.

The Growth of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards were founded in 2015 by wildlife photographers Tom Sullam and Paul Joynson-Hicks. The competition’s popularity has grown, with over 2,000 entries this year. Sullam notes that each year the competition becomes more challenging due to the rising quality of photography and the evolving humor in the submissions.

“The humor remains excellent each year, with new animals we haven’t seen before,” Sullam said in an interview with Bored Panda.

The Role of Funny Animal Pictures in Conservation

While these funny animal pictures might inspire many humorous captions, the competition aims to do more than just make people laugh. Sullam and Joynson-Hicks advocate for “conservation through competition” and have partnered with the Born Free Foundation to raise awareness about wildlife protection.

These funny animal pictures remind us of the delicate balance of our planet’s ecosystem. Sullam believes that even small contributions can make a difference.

“In 20 years, elephants might be gone from East Africa, and lions could follow,” he said. “It’s grim reading, but we think the smallest snowflake can help create the biggest snowball. We just need to make lots of snowflakes!”

Capturing Hearts and Conserving Wildlife

While there can only be one winner, like the surprised squirrel caught “red-handed,” all of these funny and endearing animal pictures have a place in our hearts. Whether you’re an animal lover or not, these pictures are sure to make you smile.

Even better, the popularity of these photos helps contribute to wildlife conservation worldwide. The partnership between the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards and the Born Free Foundation aims to protect our planet’s incredible fauna by showing that every effort counts.

So, if you need a good laugh or want to support wildlife conservation, check out these funny animal pictures. Remember, even amidst chaos, Mother Nature always keeps her sense of humor.

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